Unmatched timber building
Pudasjärvi's gorgeous timber school campus started its operations in the autumn of 2016. The goal is to be known as the world's largest school of timber structures with about 800 student places. The use of structural solutions is aimed at healthy indoor air, and long lasting and ecological structures. The timber surfaces have been treated both inside and outside with Teknos' aspirated products.
PUDASJÄRVI town has welcomed a new log built school this autumn. The campus has intrigued not only Finnish but also international building professionals. The construction solutions of the school have been designed to achieve better quality of indoor air as well as to create a versatile learning environment. .
The school campus consists of four separate buildings, which are connected to each other with glass corridors. In the bright areas, many of the walls are made of glass. In the impressive and spacious lobby, wood beams treated with AQUATOP 2920 varnish are beautifully arched toward the ceiling windows, creating a unique space and harmonious atmosphere together with the timber wall.

Kontiotuote Oy has provided the timber to the site and HJP Verstas Oy is responsible for the painting contract work. -We have had good experience with Teknos products, that's why we want to use them at all of the painting locations at the construction site, noted Heikki Paaso, CEO of HJP Verstas Oy. WOODEX AQUA CLASSIC lacquer has been applied to the outer surfaces of the timber, and TEKNOWAX 1160 has, in turn, been applied to the interior surfaces. Even though it is an industrial product, application through on-site spraying has been very successful.
Log joints also has a prominent place inside the building. Surface treatment is carried out with colorless wax TEKNOWAX 1160.
The external trim and cladding painting was done with the NORDICA EKO 3330-03 industrial topcoat and NORDICA EKO house paint. - We have used Teknos' well-known products in different locations for a long time, Paaso concluded. More recent product technology has also been applied to the surfaces of Pudasjärvi's school, such as TIMANTTI CLEAN anti-microbial interior paints on the walls along the food serving lines in the cafeteria area.
The recently completed timber school serves as a pioneer in the new advent of timber buildings and experiences will be gleaned about the functionality of the structures for the years to come. Nevertheless, a long life cycle is expected. Now, after the opening, the wood scent has begun to be appreciated by the children and youth residents of Pudasjärvi on a daily basis.

Heikki Paaso (left) and Mika Haapakoski of HJP Verstas are satisfied with Teknos products.