"The quality of the paintwork must remain at our usual high standard," says Production Director Sami Kortelainen.
VAK - Less is more
When a multiphase process is being enhanced, every phase has to be synchronised with the rest of the chain. Quicker production times are directly related to the entire operation's profitability.
VAK Oy designs and manufactures trailers and transport bodies for the different needs of logistics companies. The range of sizes, models and features is vast, with every trailer manufactured from start to finish in Vahto, near Turku. Production Director Sami Kortelainen spends most of his time in the crossfire of tight schedules. While the process has to take individual needs into account, it also has to be as automated as possible - a concept that works quickly without delay.
"Sales have been very good, and our order books are full for about the next three months," says Kortelainen over a quick lunch. The Production Director seems to be required everywhere, based on passers-by's reminders of when the next meeting begins. Focusing on what matters is clearly one of the keys to success. "At the same time, it creates positive pressure in production. It's important to keep the production flowing and to minimise waiting time and other delays. As a part of this development, we also sent out an invitation to tender to bodywork paint manufacturers."
Growing production has presented its own demands on the premises – a new expansion is being built that aims to keep the increasing production under control much better than before. The lack of separate drying spaces or temperature control created its own scheduling issues for the painting process.
Since Teknos paints were introduced, production has shifted into another gear.
"It should be possible to begin the installation of equipment immediately after painting without fear of leaving surface marks. Every time we have to wait, production times go up and productivity goes down, along with customer satisfaction. Since Teknos paints were introduced, production has shifted into another gear."
"The main requirement was for the paint to dry quickly, so that we could start the installation of equipment within 3-4 hours of painting. Our current space and personnel resources mean that we never really have to wait. Obviously, the quality of the paintwork has to remain at our usual high standards," says Kortelainen as he explains the background to the tendering.
"The Teknos paints impressed us right away. On top of everything, we can even make the paint dry up to an hour faster, according to Teknos. This is an excellent feature in case production needs to be ramped up and drying time starts to become critical."
Teknos paints and technical support also contributed to the almost complete elimination of technical issues with the painting equipment. Sami Kortelainen has nothing but praise for both Teknos' product features and their excellent attitude towards service.
"Technical support has been fantastic. If we need additional information on anything, the Teknos laboratory will get us a comprehensive report. Service has been excellent all round, all promises have been kept and the quality has left us satisfied. This is a good point to continue from."
After changing their paint supplier, VAK has managed to cut its trailers' average delivery time in half. Development has been excellent in terms of growth in sales and profitability, with painting being an important link in the process chain. Kortelainen believes that they could not have achieved this without Teknos paints.

Teknos Coating Solutions for commercial vehicles
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