New powder coating system protects against heat and corrosion
Teknos' newly developed heat-resistant corrosion protection powder coating system is a new and significant invention on a global scale.
Antimicrobial solutions have demonstrated remarkable reductions in bacteria in independent laboratory tests, as well as significant reductions of healthcare-associated infections in real-life hospital environments.
The companies in the HygTech Alliance - Abloy, Isku Interior, Korpinen, Lojer, Oras and Teknos - are convinced that building technology solutions and fittings developed for hygiene management will enable a significant reduction in the rates of hospital infections and other diseases transmitted through contact.
The following studies show the antimicrobial efficacy in real-life environments.
Two outpatient units at the Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust provided the environments for an 18-month pilot study in a real-life situation. Swabs were collected over a five-month period from BioCote®-treated and untreated products in both outpatient units.
The result was that all of the BioCote protected products in the outpatient unit were significantly less contaminated in comparison with their untreated counterparts, with an overall 96% reduction in bacteria.
The item that saw the greatest reduction in bacteria was the antimicrobial door handle, which was 98% less contaminated with bacteria than the regular handles in the other outpatient unit.
A case study carried out at two intensive care units in New York shows that, compared to the reference room, there was 58% reduction in healthcare-associated infections in an antimicrobial room with copper touch surfaces. The sustained reduction of the microbial load on chair arms was 75% and on bed rails 96% (average colony forming unit per 100 cm2).
The blue walls at Occupational Healthcare Center Apila are painted with BioCote protected TIMANTTI CLEAN special acrylate paint. Abloy Active door handles and Isku Interior chairs with painted legs are coated with BioCote protected INFRALIT powder coating. The armrests of the chairs are coated with antimicrobial copper, and the fabrics are also antimicrobial.
“Antimicrobial care and working environment is very important to us, and our experience of the holistic antimicrobial solution is nothing but positive", says Doctor of Medicine Riikka Mattila, Managing Director of Occupational Healthcare Center Apila.
"Infectious diseases are often spread through contact with contaminated surfaces. All key contact surfaces at our healthcare center are antimicrobial, including the furniture, the front desks, door handles, and even the painted walls. In addition, these solutions are elegant, functional, and practical“, Riikka Mattila adds.
For further information: www.hygtechalliance.com