
Paint system code P219a

 Paint  Binder   P219a
 INFRALIT EP/PE 8086-05  EP/PE  1x60 μm  
 INFRALIT EP 8026-00  EP  1x100 μm
 Total dry film thickness    160 μm
 Paint system VOC*, g/m²    0 

Paint system code P243e

 Paint  Binder   P243e
 INFRALIT EP 8024  EP  1x120 μm  
 Total dry film thickness    120 μm
 Paint system VOC*, g/m²
 Suitable chemical pre-treatment methods
 Zinc phosphating
 Thin film technology** (TFT)

**Thin film technology is explained in detail in the brochure Powder Coating as a Corrosion Protection Method.

Paint system code P243f

 Paint  Binder   P243f
 INFRALIT EP/PE 8086-05  EP/PE  1x80 μm  
 INFRALIT PE 8350-15  PE  1x100 μm  
 Total dry film thickness    180 μm
 Paint system VOC*, g/m²    0 
 Suitable chemical pre-treatment methods
 Zinc phosphating
 Thin film technology** (TFT)

**Thin film technology is explained in detail in the brochure Powder Coating as a Corrosion Protection Method.

Paint system code P243g

 Paint  Binder   P243g
 INFRALIT PE 8350-15  PE  2x80 μm  
 Total dry film thickness    160 μm
 Paint system VOC*, g/m²    0 
 Suitable chemical pre-treatment methods
 Zinc phosphating


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Paint system code P219g

 Paint  Binder   P219g
 INFRALIT EP/PE 8086-05  EP/PE  1x80 μm  
 INFRALIT PE 8350-15  PE  1x100 μm
 Total dry film thickness    180 μm
 Paint system VOC*, g/m²    0 


*Teknos pulverlakk produkter er løsemiddelfrie. Imidlertid kan de inneholde noen flyktige organiske forbindelser som rester fra tilsetningsstoffer, selv om mengdene er svært lave.

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