Around the world in 16 months
Suure-Jaani, a rural region in the heart of Estonia, is home to one of the major European manufacturers of solid wood mouldings.
High line speeds, short process times, low-VOC emissions – the requirements for the industrial manufacture of mouldings are demanding. Teknos presents all the right coating solutions at LIGNA.
Short process times play a decisive role in the industrial production of mouldings. They are also a key reason why Eesti Höövelliist chose Teknos. The Estonian company manufactures about 2,500 kilometers of mouldings every month at two production plants. The line speeds are high, which is why the manufacturer attaches great importance to the process properties of the coating as well as the surface quality. Eesti Höövelliist relies on TEKNOLUX AQUA 1728 to coat its solid wood mouldings, a modern Teknos coating that achieves short processing times through rapid UV drying.
TEKNOLUX AQUA 1728 is just one example of the many solutions that Teknos offers for industrial moulding production. Other examples will be on display at LIGNA. The extensive range of Teknos fillers, special primers, clear coats, and top coats meets all the most important requirements in this segment:
AQUAFILLER 1100. All-purpose water-borne filler with good filling properties. Suitable for spray applications (horizontal and vertical) and vacuum processes.
TEKNOLUX AQUA 1728. Water-borne UV for high quality wooden surfaces, available as a pigmented or clear topcoat. Extremely short process times in combination with quick UV drying. Produces highly durable surfaces as per DIN 68681 class 1 B and IKEA IOS-MAT-0066 (class R2). Can be tinted with the TEKNOCOLOR tinting system.
For more information, visit the Teknos booth at the LIGNA exhibition, read the new Teknos brochure for wood interiors or consult your Teknos contacts.
Teknos presents all the right industrial coatings for molding production.