
Paint system code P218b

 Paint  Binder  P218b
 INFRALIT PE 8350-15  PE  1x80 μm  
 Total dryfilm thickness    80 μm
 Paint system VOC*, g/m²    0


Paint system code P243a

 Paint  Binder   P243a
 INFRALIT PE 8350-15  PE  1x80 μm  
 Total tørfilmstykkelse    80 μm
 Malingssystem VOC*, g/m²    
 Suitable chemical pre-treatment methods
 Zinc phosphathing
 Thin film technology** (TFT)
 Iron phosphathing

**Thin film technology is explained in detail in the brochure Powder Coating as a Corrosion Protection Method.

**Teknos powder coating products are solvent-free. However, they might contain some volatile organic compounds as residuals from additives, though the quantities are very low.

Please note the corrosion category and durability class cover all categories below.