Enjoy maximum sleep by going blue in the bedroom
Feeling blue may not be all bad when it comes to enjoying a good night’s sleep.

Feeling blue may not be all bad when it comes to enjoying a good night’s sleep.
Those with blue bedrooms tend to enjoy the best rest – nearly eight hours a night – and wake feeling happy and positive. According to a survey*, it is linked to calm, soothing feelings and is thought to slow the heart rate and even reduce blood pressure.
Pride and Joy, the new name in luxury paints, has developed a palette of beautiful blues (pictured is PJ 9625). With Teknos Home the world of great sleep is your oyster.
The study, carried out by Travelodge, looked into 2,000 homes across the country to investigate the influence of colour on quality of sleep.
How much sleep does each colour offer?*
Blue: 7 hrs 52mins
Yellow: 7 hrs 40mins
Green: 7 hrs 36 mins
Silver: 7 hrs 33 mins
Orange: 7 hrs 28 mins
Red: 6 hrs 58 mins
Gold: 6 hrs 43 mins
Grey: 6 hrs 12 mins
Brown: 6 hrs 05 mins
Purple: 5 hrs 56 mins